

We are a handful of old timers trying to bring the sport of Quickshot to the masses! Cowboy Quickshot is a fun, family-friendly western themed gun slinging activity that allows all to immerse themselves as a cowboy or cowgirl. All our guns are CO2 air soft pistols that shoot a small wax bullet.

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Quickshot Games

Each player shoots 6 shots. Start with your gun in your holster, wait for the green light, draw your...
Open Range
Cause everyone needs to practice behind the barn from time to time. Time from green light to target ...
Quick Trigger
Each player shoots 6 shots. Gun is drawn, cocked, and aimed at target. Pull the trigger as soon as t...
Jumpin' the Gun
Each player shoots 6 shots. Try to get as close to zero as possible by GUESSING when the light will ...
2 Winks
Each player shoots 6 shots. The goal is to hit the target as close to 2 seconds after the green ligh...
Each player shoots 6 shots. The goal is to hit the target as close to 8 seconds after the green ligh...
Snake Eyes
Each player shoots 6 shots. Your first shot is registering a score (whatever you want it to be) and ...
El Trio
Each player gets 6 shots. The first two are scored on Quick Trigger (testin' those reflexes). Shots ...
Gut Check
Each player gets 6 shots. Three games in one. Jumpin' The Gun (guess when light will flash green), Q...
Head to Head Shootout
Each player gets 6 shots. Quickshot shooting rules. Try to beat the person shooting next to you. You...
Dead or Alive
Each player gets 1 shot to beat the player next to them. Quickshot shooting rules. Players are elimi...
Tall Hog at the Trough
Each player shoots their 6 shots. Best time is the time to beat. Everyone besides the shooter with t...